Siddurim (Prayer books)
Senin, 09 Juli 2012
Siddurim (Prayer books)
All of these siddurim were tested in Android 4.04 and some were tested on 2.3 and 4.04, as our test phone got upgraded during the testing phase. Before choosing any siddur below, it's important to know that they are best for those already quite familiar with the tefilos. If someone is new to davening (praying) in Hebrew, they will easily get confused by most of the products below, the notable exception being the Smart Siddur, which displays the correct prayer each day. Only one of these products has perfect nekudot (vowels) (and some don't have any at all!) and one unfamiliar with the nusach will get confused easily and possibly mispronounce words. Until some of the big issues get fixed (most notably the issue with nekudos), we do not have "Top Pick" in this category at this time of this post.
Note: Newcomers to Jewish prayer should purchase a printed prayer book (see for Sfard or Ashkenaz or visit your local Jewish bookstore).
Siddur Tehillat Hashem (v. by Avraham Makovetsky
Type: Application
Cost: Free
Nusach: Ari (only)
Overview: This is a scanned weekday siddur for Lubavitch.
+Reminder to say "Ya'aleh V'yavo" on Rosh Chodesh
+Built-in simple zmanim program
+Includes Birkat Hamazon and other blessings
+Includes silent mode and even "airplane mode" to shut down wireless communications while davening
+Full screen mode covers over the notifications at the top of the screen to help keep distractions at bay
+ICS friendly
-Utilizes scanned text
-No index (one must scroll to where he wants to be in the tefilla and cannot "jump" to tachanun or aleinu, for instance
-Some of the smaller text can be hard to read -- has zoom feature but not a scalable zoom -- when zoomed in (long press) too much left-and-right scrolling is necessary
+Reminder to say "Ya'aleh V'yavo" on Rosh Chodesh
+Built-in simple zmanim program
+Includes Birkat Hamazon and other blessings
+Includes silent mode and even "airplane mode" to shut down wireless communications while davening
+Full screen mode covers over the notifications at the top of the screen to help keep distractions at bay
+ICS friendly
-Utilizes scanned text
-No index (one must scroll to where he wants to be in the tefilla and cannot "jump" to tachanun or aleinu, for instance
-Some of the smaller text can be hard to read -- has zoom feature but not a scalable zoom -- when zoomed in (long press) too much left-and-right scrolling is necessary
Smart Siddur (v. 6.01) and Smart Siddur Lite (v. 5.77) by Karri Apps
Type: Application
Cost: Free (Lite) and $2.99
Nusach: Edot HaMizrach, Sefarad, Ashkenaz, Ari (Chabad)
Overview: Conceptually, the best thought-out siddur out there. This siddur takes advantage of computerized devices as it should. Automatically showing what's relevant on each day that it's used (e.g. Ya'aleh v'yavo on Rosh Chodesh).
+Silent mode (Y/N) upon starting siddur shuts down incoming ringer.
+Probably the most thorough siddur out there vis-a-vis what tefillos are included.
+Includes many blessings besides the actual daily tefillos.
+Even includes Mussaf on Rosh Chodesh (not commonly found on siddur apps)
+Even includes Mussaf on Rosh Chodesh (not commonly found on siddur apps)
+Developers are responsive to suggestions.
+ICS friendly
+ICS friendly
-Some nusach issues need to be worked out. For instance, there is no tachanun shown on days when some congregations do not say tachanun. If one belongs to a kehilla that does say tachanun on that day, however, there is no option to show it at all.
-Nusach Ashkenaz is geared towards the Israeli custom.
-No Barchi Nafshi on Rosh Chodesh.
-Nusach Ashkenaz is geared towards the Israeli custom.
-No Barchi Nafshi on Rosh Chodesh.
-"Shir Halamos" is always shown before birchas hamazon (bentching). "Al Naharos Bavel" which is at least the standard for nusach ashkenaz on days when tachanun is said, is not there at all, requiring one to use another tehillim or siddur app for birchas hamazon.
-The nekudas are not perfectly aligned, and some words have missing vowels altogether.
-The dageshim (dots inside Hebrew letters) can be quite off, causing some distraction when reading (especially for a long time).
-When English section titles are displayed, Hebrew text is flush to the left, which makes it less readable (this is not a problem in ICS 4.0).
-The dageshim (dots inside Hebrew letters) can be quite off, causing some distraction when reading (especially for a long time).
-When English section titles are displayed, Hebrew text is flush to the left, which makes it less readable (this is not a problem in ICS 4.0).
Verdict: A very practical siddur, with development team that is responsive to suggestions and already has corrected some bugs this tester has pointed out. If they could clean up the text, this would be the top pick.
Siddur Ashkenaz (Free Version) (v. 29) Siddur Ashkenaz (Paid Version) (v34.0) Siddur Sfaradi (Free Version) (v. 29.0) Siddur Sfaradi (Paid Version)(v. 34.0) Siddur Nosach Sfarad (Free)(v. 29.0) Siddur Nosach Sfarad (Paid)(v. 34.0) by RobertR
Type: Application
Cost: Free or $1.99
Nusach: Ashkenaz, Sfarad and Sfaradi (Differend downloads for each Nusach)
Overview: Siddur which includes the three daily prayers, benching, tefilas haderech, kriat Shema Al HaMita, and other after-food brochos. Paid version adds settings saving and move to SD card option.
+Has one of the clearest text-based fonts, with (arguably) the second-best placement of the nekudos and dageishim.
+Allows customization of nikud on/off, font size, and background color toggle.
+ICS friendly
-Some strange nusach issues in all nusachim. For example: No "Shir Hamalos" before BirKat HaMazon. "Ya'aleh V'yavo" is only available for chol hamoed Pesach in BirKat HaMazon, even though the normal paragraph is shown in the amida. (Author had no good response to this issue and has no intention to fix.)Overview: Siddur which includes the three daily prayers, benching, tefilas haderech, kriat Shema Al HaMita, and other after-food brochos. Paid version adds settings saving and move to SD card option.
+Has one of the clearest text-based fonts, with (arguably) the second-best placement of the nekudos and dageishim.
+Allows customization of nikud on/off, font size, and background color toggle.
+ICS friendly
-No real indexing of tefillos. Only Shaharit has three parts. All other tefillot have just one part and require scrolling to get to, let's say, tachanun.
-Vowels occasionally missing from words and almost entire paragraphs.
-No anti-distraction options
Verdict: Aside from some small annoying issues, this is one of the most practically usable siddur apps here, mainly due to the easy legibility of the text. Paid version allows settings savings, but this app has very little in the way of settings in the first place.
AndDaaven Siddur (v.0.3.8) by S Popper
Type: Application
Cost: Free
Cost: Free
Nusach: Ashkenaz
Overview: A small Ashkenaz-only siddur that contains Shacharit, Mincha, Ma'ariv (even Hallel and Musaf Rosh Chodesh), birchat hamazon, tefilas haderech, brochos achrona, and other commonoly and not-so-comonly said blessings such as sheva brachos, and bris mila. There are also (all Hebrew) laws for eruv tavshilin and eruvei tachumin, and some other little surprises.
+Nice, quite readable text. The nekudos are only off by a very small amount (very good for Android).
+Index -- very thorough index for each tefilla
+Full-screen mode can cover the notifications area to limit distractions during davening
+Full pinch-to-zoom support
+Keep screen on option (so it doesn't blank out due to inactivity)
+Reverse alignment option in case text shows backwards (unnecessary during our tests on 2.3 and 4.04).
+ICS friendly
-No silent mode (author plans to add in future release)
-Some sub-headings and body text are hard to tell apart (same size/font but no nekudot)
-Some unpredictable results when using the "tap-to-scroll" and "section jump" features.
Overview: A small Ashkenaz-only siddur that contains Shacharit, Mincha, Ma'ariv (even Hallel and Musaf Rosh Chodesh), birchat hamazon, tefilas haderech, brochos achrona, and other commonoly and not-so-comonly said blessings such as sheva brachos, and bris mila. There are also (all Hebrew) laws for eruv tavshilin and eruvei tachumin, and some other little surprises.
+Nice, quite readable text. The nekudos are only off by a very small amount (very good for Android).
+Index -- very thorough index for each tefilla
+Full-screen mode can cover the notifications area to limit distractions during davening
+Full pinch-to-zoom support
+Keep screen on option (so it doesn't blank out due to inactivity)
+Reverse alignment option in case text shows backwards (unnecessary during our tests on 2.3 and 4.04).
+ICS friendly
-No silent mode (author plans to add in future release)
-Some sub-headings and body text are hard to tell apart (same size/font but no nekudot)
-Some unpredictable results when using the "tap-to-scroll" and "section jump" features.
Verdict: The text is readable, the developer is very responsive and takes the development of the app very seriously. In time, they plan on releasing a version that acts like the "smart siddur" above and includes multiple nusachim. Bottom line: A very usable siddur on its way up.
תפילון - Tfilon by אורי הולנדר
Type: Application
Cost: Free
Nusach: Ashkenaz, Sfard, Eidot HaMizrach (Sephardi)
Nusach: Ashkenaz, Sfard, Eidot HaMizrach (Sephardi)
Overview: Our second "Smart Siddur" type here. This is a full siddur that automatically shows what is needed for all tefillos on that day.
+Works in full screen mode (hides notifications), an excellent anti-distraction feature
+Uses (user-defined) colored text for for section headings and halachos and black text for the tefillah
+Adjustable size
+nekudos are on-target
+Includes nice time-sensitive instructions (in Hebrew) in various places. (For example, during the three weeks, before birchas hamazon, it explains some of the tragedies that took place on the 17th of Tammuz)
+Allows one to insert name of choleh in setup for insertion into tefillos.
+Works with ICS (some Android 3.0+ specific features as well)
-While the nekudos and text are functions, the text is by no means beautiful. It pixelates at medium and large settings and is too small to read in the "small" setting. [Choice of the best-looking font messes up the alignment of nekudot.]
-Not English-speaking friendly. The menus and options are all in Hebrew
-Not location-aware. Can set your city to many in Eretz Yisroel and a few scattered around the world. (Just a handful in the U.S.) This is important for the smart features to work properly and can put someone who is not in an included location in a situation where they can't say the necessary tefillot because it is the wrong day.
-No silent mode
Verdict: In some ways, this is the smartest siddur here, with many nice touches. The lack of a pretty font, location awareness and English navigation keep it from earning the Top Pick award.
iSiddur Jewish Siddur Lite (v. 1.2) and Jewish Siddur Pocket iSiddu r (v. 1.1) by
Cost: Free (botherware) and $0.99
Nusach: Ashkenaz, Sefarad, Ari, Edut Hamizrach.
Overview: This siddur comes packed with the three daily tefillot for four nusachim, plus birkat hamazon, tefilat haderech and Meguillat [SIC] Esther. There are 18 different choices in all. It also starts up with a launcher that includes complete Torah and Tehillim (not reviewed on this page).
Overview: This siddur comes packed with the three daily tefillot for four nusachim, plus birkat hamazon, tefilat haderech and Meguillat [SIC] Esther. There are 18 different choices in all. It also starts up with a launcher that includes complete Torah and Tehillim (not reviewed on this page).
Not a Siddur (Ashkenaz) (v. 1.3) Not a Siddur (Sephardim) (v. 1.3) Not a Siddur (Nusach Ari)(v. 1.3) Not a Siddur (Nusach Sefard)(v. 1.3) by ZigZag, Inc.
Review updated 08/02/12
Type: Application
Type: Application
Cost: $1.99
Nusach: Ashkenaz, Sefard, Sephardim
Nusach: Ashkenaz, Sefard, Sephardim
Overview: This siddur is very practical and down-to-earth. It includes just the Mincha, (Afternoon) and Maariv (Evening) prayers, as well as Tefilas Haderech (travel prayer) and grace after meals.
Note: Only tested Ashkenaz version
+Clean text has the best placement of nekudos (vowels) and dageshim of any siddur reviewed here.
+Very nice way of dealing with those parts of the tefilla that are not said every day (gray text with a nice blue arrow to press to expand that text).
+Some additions include a brief (English) overview of when they are said (upon touching the expansion arrow).
+Includes options for personal prayers that are often missing from other digital (and non-digital) siddurim.
+Includes the compensatory blessings in benching for one who forgets to add "Ya'aleh v'yavo," etc.
+Includes "Minyan" button which shows parts of the tefilla only said when there is a minyan and displays easy index.
+Has blessings to say before eating food with brief English explanation stating when to say which brochos.
+Even includes the Torah reading for a fast day.
+Adjustable text size.
+New silent/vibrate option that works only when actually viewing the Hebrew text.
+ICS friendly (not tested on older versions of Android yet).
Recommended Additions:
:Full siddur including shacharis.
:Ability to remember which parts of the tefilla you normally expand upon reloading the program.
:More anti-distraction features.
:Ability to stop screen saver from initiating.
Verdict: True, this is an incomplete siddur, but it is very practical. Arguably, few would actually need to use their smartphone for the morning service. This is the best (partial) siddur here for newcomers or those who rely on vowels for proper pronunciation. The fact that it has the nicest text (with vowels) here outweighs the lack of "smart" features, but not enough to give it a top-pick just yet.
Easy Siddur (v. 2.1) by Filterhost
Type: Application
Cost: Free
Nusach: Ashkenaz
Nusach: Ashkenaz
Overview: Easy siddur lives up to its name with being a very simple down-to-earth Ashkenaz partial siddur
+Very simple interface.
+Easy to touch large red buttons toggle parts of tefilla that one may or may not need to say.
+Works with ICS
-Just micha, ma'ariv and after blessings for bread and cake.
-No vowels altogether.
-Some unnecessary bold lettering can lead to confusion (if it's a section heading or actual tefilla) since there are no vowels in any event.
-Except for "ya'aleh v'yavo" there are no additions for any special days at all -- not Channukah and Purim, not fast days, and not even the Ten Days of Repentance.
-No shir hamalos or "al naharos bavel" before benching
Verdict: Great for a quick jump to tefilla for one who is already familiar with the nusach. This can't be the only siddur to be installed on your device as there are just too many "special" days in the Jewish calendar where one is still likely to be stuck without a siddur, and this just doesn't have those options.
Siddur Israel (sfaradi) (v.2.2) Netanel Kalfa
Cost: Free (Ad Supported)
Nusach: sfardi
Nusach: sfardi
Overview: Not a winner! Shows up backwards on our test (American phone)
-Hebrew is backwards, which makes it useless
-Banner ads for "Free Messianic Bible" leave much to be desired
-Will not load in ICS (Android 4.0)
-Hebrew is backwards, which makes it useless
-Banner ads for "Free Messianic Bible" leave much to be desired
-Will not load in ICS (Android 4.0)
OnYourWay Siddur (v.3.0) by OYW
Type: Application and Widget
Cost: Free
Nusach: Ashkenaz (Israeli)
Nusach: Ashkenaz (Israeli)
Overview: This siddur seems best for those that live in Israel, but has many flaws
+Works with ICS
-Requires harder-than-normal touch to scroll
-Peculiar navigation options can leave you stuck in a section when you're ready to continue (among other problems)
-Not English-speaking friendly
-Nekudos (vowels) are quite off
-No anti-distraction options
Hebrew Siddur סידור תפילה (v. 1.2) by Ivri Applications
Type: Application
Cost: Free
Cost: Free
Nusach: Ashkenaz and Sfard
Overview: Does not work at all on our test device. Seems to use links to an internal or possibly external web page to display text that will not load on our device, in any event.
Ashkenaz Shema Amidah, Shahrit_EdutHaMizrah, Ashkenaz Shahrit Tefilah by AvivoNet Software
Type: Application
Cost: Free
Nusach: Ashkenaz and Edut haMizrah
Nusach: Ashkenaz and Edut haMizrah
Overview: This is a graphics-based siddur split into different apps for different parts
+Nice color-coding to differentiate between section heads, regular text, and text that's only said on certain days.
-Image does not fill our test-screen (width-wise) but leaves a 1 centimeter black gap on the right side.
-Somewhat fuzzy image quality does not lend itself to legibility (esp. of vowels, which are otherwise aligned properly)
-Constant "page turning" required since it's a graphical image for each page. This means scrolling to get to the bottom of a "page" and then pressing a button to get to the next long "page" very often.
-Somewhat fuzzy image quality does not lend itself to legibility (esp. of vowels, which are otherwise aligned properly)
-Constant "page turning" required since it's a graphical image for each page. This means scrolling to get to the bottom of a "page" and then pressing a button to get to the next long "page" very often.
Verdict: The author said in early 2009 that a hopeful change to Android would allow for a proper text version, and it's 2012 and it's still an odd-ball graphics version that's hard to navigate. For now, we'd move on to a different siddur.
Judul: Siddurim (Prayer books)
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