Tehillim (Psalms) Apps - ספר תהלים

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 16 Mei 2012 0 komentar
Here is the review of Sefer Tehilim (Book of Psalms) Apps. Woe to Android users who want to actually use a Tehillim app for regular recital! While there are many to choose from, none currently stand out as really acceptable. Most have issues displaying nekudot (vowels) and/or dageshim (dots in the middle of certain letters), while some are based on poor-quality scans, and others on higher-quality...

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Zmanim and Luach Applications & Widgets

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
For the zmanim and Luach Applications and Widgets review, we chose mostly apps that focus on giving that day's zmanim and perhaps a calendar feature.Our methodology: We looked at how easily these applications were "location-aware" (if at all) and how accurate their zmanim were. The benchmark used for comparing zmanim was http://myzmanim.com with all the zmanim displayed for comparison. Each...

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Brochos/Brachos/Brachot/Berachot -- Blessings to say for various things -- ברכות

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This category only brought us two contenders. These are apps one can use to look up various birchos hane'inen (blessings to say for beneficial purposes). Let's take a look and compare: Brochos - Jewish Blessings (version 0.9.1/second Beta) by YossieType: ApplicationCost: FreeOverview: This app users the brochos.com database to look up (currently) 910 different food and other items.+Well...

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Kosher Restaurant Locators

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Today's review is of three kosher restaurant and food establishment finders ---- Kosher Near Me by KosherNear.Me (version 1.8)(updated 05/16/12)Type: ApplicationCost: FreeOverview:This application shows a listing of local restaurants and other food establishments that are kosher based on GPS location or you entering the ZIP code. Shows phone number, address, restaurant type on main list,...

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Everything Kosher

Posted by Unknown Senin, 07 Mei 2012 0 komentar
This is an eclectic category.  We have everything here from apps that explain various kosher laws, to kosher supervision listings, and even an app that tells you how long to wait for dairy after eating meat.  One thing they all have in common is that they have something to do with "kosher."  How much so and how reliable they are will be seen in the individual reviews below.  We...

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